Buddy Volunteers

Buddy Volunteer Roster

Buddy Outside The Barriers
Buddy in Reception
Buddy Trackside

Grab a high-vis from the cupboard (first door on the left as you turn from reception into the corridor) and look out for people who are new or seem like they might like a chat. Helping people find the changing rooms and bathroom, pointing the way to track and talking about what Wednesday nights are all about is great too!

  • Outside the barriers; people who are new don’t have a card to get through the turnstiles and a friendly face is useful
  • In reception; the front desk can point people to you to chat
  • Trackside; looking for people who are alone or looking lost

The only other things to add are to arrive at track early, from around 6pm if you can, and to try to avoid getting stuck into conversation with lots of people you know at track whilst volunteering as that can make you seem less easy to approach for nervous first timers! I imagine it’s not just first timers who will come to ask questions, or need a friendly face to talk to and that’s fine too.